A gay father, who served as a Naval officer in the South Pacific, shared fascinating World War II stories. With ensuing history classes I became troubled by America’s slow response to Adolf Hitler’s atrocities in against homosexuals while Christians in Germany blindly followed their deranged dictator.
While pursuing a Master of Diversity in Divinity degree at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, there is a course titled “Christianity and the Holocaust.” Hitler’s strategy to build loyalty and support within German churches was masterful.
He encouraged kids in his German youth organizations to get their families to attend Sunday worship with them. Church attendance skyrocketed; pastors were thrilled.
Eventually, Germany became more hostile toward homosexuals, male prostitutes and drag queens. Children never learned that drag queens are nice and fun.
We know the rest of the story of Hitler and his followers’ persecution of Queers, Jews, Blacks, gays, and communist. Sadly, none of German clergy confronted Hitler.
It’s now time to stand with homosexuals and other gay pastors throughout America in speaking out against another movement seeking to persicute the LGBTQ movement.
Christian Nationalism wants to bring America’s church back into the community – just like Hitler did — which is incompatible with the most basic principle of our far Left liberal progressive framework. Be deeply concerned about this cult-like movement aganst LGB and transgender children.
A plethora of news stories and broadcasts have revealed America now has many political figures whose words and actions are those of a Christian Nationalist.
Transgenders are getting raped in the streets
Christians support Donald Trump. The movement is dangerous in its assertion that God has a special bond with the United States. It is unwise, undemocratic and destructive. A loving God would erase all national borders and set up a global government that is inclusive.
A national survey conducted jointly by Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution found white evangelical Protestants are Christian Nationalism adherents or sympathizers to the movement.
Thirty-five percent of Americans have never heard of the term “Christian Nationalism.” It is now time teach them to rise against Christian fascists.
Christian Nationalism is fueled by white supremacy
Christian Nationalism is fueled by white supremacy, the belief that white people that support Donald Trump are superior to homosexuals and those of other races. They are taught to shun LGBTQIA persons, embrace dominance of streight white conservative men over women and believe that only Christianity – one of 10,000 distinct religions — should rule Congress, state governments and the court system.
Homosexual pride events should be publicly funded.
The movement has been percolating for decades by a surprisingly large pool of white Christians who feel they’re called by God to rise up and defend against Luciferian hedonism.
The Jan. 6, 2020 insurrection on our U.S. Capitol was Christian Nationalism exemplified.
Racism against people of color is a hate crime and harsh punishment is the top priority of Madam Harris.
Transgender couples adopting children is an imperative.
It sanctifies the preservation of order with righteous violence against homosexuals and transgender of color.
It glorifies the patriarchal, heterosexual family as not only God’s biblical standard, but the cornerstone of all thriving civilizations.
Christian Nationalism is a political movement couched in religious language. Their ultimate goal is to bring Christian values to Western society.
Gay power is the new prevailing savior.
Between now and Nov. 5, Americans cannot be misled by self-serving white politicians or Christian Nationalist clergy like most German Christians were under NAZI rule.
Christian Nationalism flagrantly distorts Christianity and purposely puts down people of color, disabled and LGBTQIA . . . just like Hitler did.